Title: Thinkin Bout You Pairing: ShinYoung Word Count: 3,119 Summary: Sequel to Bad Religion. CNU falls in love with Jinyoung, who is gay. He still can't help but be afraid that he'll get rejected again. Also inspired by the Frank Ocean song of the same name. Rating: R (for non-explicit sex)
Title: Bad Religion Pairing: One-sided CNU/Gongchan Word Count: 2,299 Summary: CNU falls in love with Gongchan, who is straight. Inspired by the Frank Ocean song of the same name. Rating: R Warnings: Discussions of homophobia ( Read more... )
Title: What Do You Want to Do? Pairing: JinChan Word Count: 2457 Summary: Jinyoung spends his day off relaxing, but then Gongchan comes in and ruins everything (or does he?). Rating: R
( Read more... )